Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Archive for the ‘Finance’ Category

The Lib Dems are calling on the Government to “give carers a break”, by giving councils immediate emergency funding so they can provide the support services unpaid carers need to take a weekly break. Almost 10,000 – 9,817 to be exact – people in Woking are looking after elderly, disabled or vulnerable people during the […]

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In the run up to Surrey County Council’s budget meeting, the Lib Dems and I set out our proposal for a £26 million Road Safety Fund. We put together an alternative budget plan in response to the growing number of requests from the public to make roads safer. Whether this be junction changes, reductions in […]

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Police share of Council Tax to go up 5.54%

by willforster on 8 February, 2021

Last week, Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner David Munro decided to press ahead with a 5.54% increase in his Council Tax precept, ignoring the concerns of both the Surrey Police and Crime Panel and the public. The majority of the Police and Crime Panel voted to reject the proposed rise, but as two thirds of […]

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Lib Dems call for road safety to be a budget priority

by willforster on 5 February, 2021

My Lib Dem colleagues on Surrey County Council and I are proposing an amendment to the Council’s budget to invest in tackling road safety problems across the county. Recognising that there is huge frustration in communities about the difficulties in getting road safety schemes funded in a timely manner, the Lib Dem Group are proposing […]

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The Lib Dems are calling on the Government to raise Carer’s Allowance by £1,000 a year, to help support 1,250 unpaid carers in Woking during the pandemic. The party’s leader, Ed Davey, who has promised to be the voice of the 9 million carers in our country, has written to the Prime Minister urging him […]

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Independent review slams Woking Borough Council

by willforster on 18 January, 2021

Earlier this month, Woking Borough Council agreed to implement all the recommendations of an independent review into the decisions and Council processes behind the Woking Football Club development. This review heavily criticised the way the Conservative-run Council is managed and made more than 20 recommendations for improvement. The independent review confirms the serious issues raised […]

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5.54% Council Tax increase proposed for Surrey Police

by willforster on 15 January, 2021

My Lib Dem colleagues and I are urging residents to respond to the latest proposal by the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner for a 5.54% increase in the police element of Council Tax. The proposal corresponds to an annual increase of £10 for Band A households, £15 for Band D, and £30 for Band H […]

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Merry Christmas

by willforster on 23 December, 2020

As Christmas approaches and 2020 draws to a close, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the very best for the New Year. There is no doubt that this year has been a difficult one for all of us.  The challenges of separation from loved ones, loneliness and financial uncertainty have conspired to […]

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The Lib Dems and I have condemned the Chancellor for failing to introduce a comprehensive plan to save jobs after it was revealed that almost 3,000 people in Woking are currently on Universal Credit. As a party, we have criticised Rishi Sunak’s constant chop-and-change approach, urging him to put in place a proper plan to […]

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The Conservatives running Surrey County Council have launched a consultation on plans to cut school funding for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN). They plan to abolish the “additional SEN funding” which goes to 67 primary and 2 secondary schools in Surrey.  Beaufort, Goldsworth, St Hugh of Lincoln, West Byfleet Infant and West Byfleet Junior Schools […]

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