Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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We need a ‘Stop Brexit’ General Election

by willforster on 27 October, 2019

The Lib Dems and I think a General Election is the only way to overcome this Brexit chaos. That is why we think there should be one on the 9th December, and our team in Westminster have been working on a plan to ensure we can do that.

There are currently two barriers to stopping Brexit, the first is Boris Johnson who has proven time and time again that he cannot be trusted.  The second is Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party – his party has time and time again backed Brexit, just this week he failed to back a People’s Vote and referendum in Parliament and allowed 19 Labour MPs to vote for the deal.

To stop Brexit, we need to get Boris out of office.  To stop Brexit, we need to increase the number of anti-Brexit MPs in Parliament.  It is clear that a General Election is the only way we can achieve both of those things.

That is why the Lib Dems are going to introduce a Bill to amend the Fixed Term Parliament Act and hold a General Election on December 9th.

Our Bill will only come into force if the EU offers an extension to at least 31st January 2020.  The timetable also means that Boris Johnson cannot try to force his deal through Parliament again.  The longer the gridlock goes on in Parliament, the harder it becomes for us to stop Brexit.

We can see the growing frustrations in the EU at the gridlock.  We can see that because of Labour MPs backing Boris Johnson’s Bill and Conservative rebels not backing a People’s Vote, the route to getting a People’s Vote this Parliament is difficult.

But there are millions of people in the country who believe that we are better off inside the EU.  Millions who know they deserve a better choice than Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn.

We are ready to take our pro-European message to the country and have a General Election.  In that election, our offer will be that a Lib Dem majority Government will revoke Article 50 to Stop Brexit.

And that, is how we will stop Brexit.  If we are successful, polling day will be in 44 days.  Once we stop Brexit, we can get the country back to fixing problems that impact people every day, like investing more in public services and fighting climate change.

The Lib Dems have an incredible opportunity ahead of us and together, I know we can pull off a result that will change our country for the better.

   1 Comment

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  1. Anuj sikka says:

    Hi Will

    I want to help with the campaign.

    Please contact me.

    0772 009 7384

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