Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Lib Dems say thank you and call for a General Election

by willforster on 11 May, 2024

The Liberal Democrats have called for an immediate General Election in light of last week’s Local Election results.

Locally, the Lib Dems won 10 out of 11 seats up for election on Woking Borough Council – wiping out the Conservatives and leaving just 1 Labour Councillor in Woking.

Voters fully endorsed my Lib Dem team’s efforts to turn around the effectively bankrupt Council left to us by the Conservatives. Woking Council now made up has 24 Lib Dems, 5 Independents and 1 Labour.

I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who put their trust in the Lib Dems and to all the volunteers who gave up their time to help our campaign. We are determined to fix the financial mess Woking is in.

Nationally, the Lib Dems were the big winners at the 2024 local elections, gaining over 100 seats, winning control of councils in Dorset and Tunbridge Wells, and finishing ahead of the Conservatives in total number of Councillors.

In Parliament, Party Leader Ed Davey has tabled a motion of no confidence in Rishi Sunak’s Government in a bid to force a June General Election.

Woking’s Conservative MP is on notice, the Lib Dems are on the up and we’re ready for a General Election. This set of local elections has been damning for Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives, nationally they have been pushed into third place by the Lib Dems who saw stunning gains across the country.

During the campaign, people told us they wanted change and they wanted to send the Conservatives a message they couldn’t ignore – now they have. We urgently need a General Election, from the cost of living crisis to the NHS crisis, this dire Conservative government needs to be removed from office.

Conservative MPs need to wake up and smell the coffee, and back giving the country the election it so desperately wants and needs. The longer this appalling Government stumbles on, the worse it is for the NHS, people’s living standards and our environment.

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