Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Archive for the ‘Woking Town Centre’ Category

Surrey County Council has cancelled plans to move its headquarters from Kingston-Upon-Thames to Woking due to the coronavirus pandemic. As a result of the current Covid-19 situation, the current tenants of Midas House cannot move out and the Council cannot get access to all of the building to make it suitable for its use.  In […]

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Council agrees request to delay parking permit rise

by willforster on 31 March, 2020

Following my request, Surrey County Council has agreed to postpone its planned increase of residential parking permits due to the coronavirus pandemic. The County Council wants to increase the cost of residential parking permits in Controlled Parking Zones, and was intending to advertise and consult the public on the increase in April and then implement […]

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Ahead of the budget, the Lib Dems are calling on the Chancellor to scrap business rates and replace them with a landowner levy to “breathe new life” into high streets in Woking. Acting Leader of the Lib Dems, Ed Davey, has warned that “the retail sector sounded the alarm bell on business rates a long […]

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The Lib Dems have revealed there were 11 incidents involving offensive weapons on trains or at rail stations in Woking since 2017.  9 incidents occurred at Woking Station, including 3 so far this year. My Lib Dem colleagues and I think the new figures show the utter failure of Conservative Ministers to keep people safe from […]

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Lib Dems secure agreement to promote greener travel

by willforster on 10 December, 2019

Last week, I was pleased to help secure a commitment from Woking Borough Council for them to look at reducing or even removing parking charges for those driving the most environmentally friendly vehicles. With new flexible pricing systems coming to town centre car parks it is an ideal opportunity to encourage use of less polluting […]

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Surrey County Council HQ to move to Woking

by willforster on 2 November, 2019

Yesterday, Surrey County Council announced it is intending to move County Hall from Kingston to Woking. The County Council has been looking to move out of its current home for sometime and has now selected Midas House in Woking as its preferred new headquarters. The current County Hall is expensive to run, not fit for […]

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‘Stop the Coup’ protest in Woking

by willforster on 6 September, 2019

Yesterday, I marched at the head of a group of local people who come together to protest in Woking town centre against the Prime Minister’s recent attack on our Parliamentary democracy. Following Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision last week to suspend Parliament to force through a no deal Brexit, there have been widespread protests throughout […]

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My Woking Civic Reception

by willforster on 14 May, 2019

At the end of their term, each Mayor of Woking hosts a Civic Reception, and I recently held my Civic Reception at the HG Wells Centre where I was delighted to pay tribute to Woking’s volunteers. When I was elected as Mayor last year, I knew I would be busy – but little did I […]

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The Honorary Freedom of the Borough Parade

by willforster on 8 April, 2019

An Honorary Freedom of the Borough Parade for the Pirbright Army Training Centre will be held on Sunday 28th April 2019 at 2.30 pm. Troops from The Army Training Centre, Pirbright will march into Jubilee Square, before an open-air ceremony takes place in front of dignitaries and army officials. Following the ceremony, the parade will […]

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Woking night-time fire cover to be halved

by willforster on 1 April, 2019

Surrey County Council is planning to take seven fire engines off duty at night including one in Woking in a bid to save £3 million a year. The Council has published a ‘Making Surrey Safer Plan 2020-2023’, which outlines how the County Council wants to change the local fire and rescue service. Under the plan, […]

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