Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Archive for the ‘Finance’ Category

Taking on leading the Surrey Lib Dems

by willforster on 19 May, 2021

Yesterday, the Lib Dem Group on Surrey County Council elected me as their new Group Leader. I am delighted to have been chosen by fellow Councillors to lead the Lib Dems in Surrey – especially after we had a great set of election results. The Lib Dems gained 5 seats on County Council in the […]

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Tomorrow’s elections

by willforster on 5 May, 2021

I have always been drawn to helping the community, which is why I have been serving as a Borough and County Councillor for over a decade. I am re-standing for election tomorrow on May 6th and hope I can have your support. Over the past few weeks, as Covid restrictions have eased, it has been […]

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Cronyism and sleaze

by willforster on 29 April, 2021

Nationally, the Conservatives have been accused of cronyism and sleaze over recent weeks.  Locally, the Lib Dem Police and Crime Commissioner candidate, Paul Kennedy, has challenged the Tory candidate’s claims that their links with Ministers will somehow deliver more police funding for Surrey. The Conservative candidate, who worked for Tory MPs for nearly 10 years, and […]

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The Lib Dems have called for an ambitious package of £48 billion for local authorities to tackle the climate emergency, of which an extra £140 million would be invested directly in the local community here in Surrey. This new funding would go directly to Surrey County Council to fund green infrastructure, and improve the local […]

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45% of Surrey Conservatives are stepping down

by willforster on 13 April, 2021

Following publication of the list of candidates for this year’s Surrey County Council elections, it has emerged that 25 out of 56 Conservative County Councillors are stepping down – a dropout rate of 45%. The decision of so many Tory Councillors to leave office comes less than a year after the County Council was heavily […]

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Lib Dems launch their May election campaign

by willforster on 7 April, 2021

Yesterday, Lib Dem Leader Ed Davey officially launched the Lib Dems Local Elections campaign.  Ed, at the Lib Dems digital launch, asked voters to send a message to the Conservatives to do more to support local communities like those in Woking. Delivering his launch speech he said: “By voting Lib Dem this May you will be […]

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Lib Dems demand review into Eco Park failings

by willforster on 31 March, 2021

The Lib Dems and I have called for a review into Surrey County Council’s failed attempt to build an ‘Eco Park’ to process much of Surrey’s household waste after it was revealed that the Council is in legal proceedings with the builder of the facility. At the Full Council meeting earlier this month, the Cabinet […]

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Following pressure from my Lib Dem colleagues and I, Surrey County Council and Surrey Police will now review having street lights turned off across the county. In an attempt to save £210,000 a year, the County Council adopted a ‘Part Night Lighting Policy’ for street lights in 2016, which involved switching off the majority of […]

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Earlier today, Surrey County Council unanimously agreed to my motion which would see the Council look at holding meetings remotely after lockdown as finished. The County Council and I hope virtual meetings will save taxpayers money and reduce its environmental impact, as well as encourage more working age people and those with caring responsibilities to […]

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‘Slap in the face’ for NHS staff

by willforster on 8 March, 2021

The Lib Dems and I have slammed the Conservative Government’s insulting 1% pay offer to nurses. In our country’s hour of need, our NHS nurses and doctors have been there for us.  A decent pay rise is the least we can do for them in return. Boris Johnson was happy to stand outside Number 10 and […]

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