Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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6,725 children on mental health waiting lists in Surrey as Lib Dems pledge a mental health professional in every school

by willforster on 30 May, 2024

6,725 children and young people in Surrey are on mental health waiting lists with average waits of 189 days, House of Commons Library research commissioned by the Liberal Democrats has revealed.

To help tackle the crisis in children’s mental health and reduce waiting lists, the Lib Dems have announced that their manifesto will include a commitment to a mental health professional in every primary and secondary school.  The policy would be funded through a trebling of the Digital Services Tax, which would raise an extra £1.5 billion a year.

This landmark policy announcement by the Lib Dems would help cut mental health waiting lists and give children the support they need to flourish and reach their full potential.

Children and parents in our community are being left in limbo, forced to suffer shockingly long waits for vital mental health treatment.  This Conservative Government  has brought the NHS to its knees and children and parents have been left abandoned.

By putting a mental health professional in every primary and secondary school, funded by a tax on the social media giants, we can finally begin to cut waiting lists for our community and give children the best opportunity to succeed with their education.

This appalling Conservative Government has failed Woking for too long.  They are out of touch, out of ideas and deserve to be kicked out of office.

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