Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Woking Council agrees no confidence motion in Boris Johnson

by willforster on 13 February, 2022

Earlier this week, Woking Borough Council agreed a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister following the partygate scandal.

The Council voted to censure Boris Johnson after the initial findings of the Sue Gray report found that the parties held in Downing Street during covid lockdowns were both “difficult to justify” and “failures of leadership and judgement”.

The Leader of the Council will now write an official letter to the Prime Minister on behalf of residents of Woking Borough condemning Boris Johnson’ alleged failure to abide by the rules and calling on him to resign. The Council Leader will also be required to write to Woking’s MP requesting that they represent the Council’s view in Parliament and call for the Prime Minister to resign.

Like many in Woking, I am appalled with Boris Johnson’s behaviour – that is why I proposed this motion. Whilst people in Woking obeyed the lockdown rules, often at huge personal cost, the Prime Minister attended Downing Street parties.

Boris Johnson either did not understand the lockdown rules his Government introduced or he did not think they applied to him. That is completely acceptable: it destroys trust in politics and could discourage people from following any future lockdown rules.

I am pleased Woking Borough Council has made its view clear. We have no confidence in the Prime Minister and for the sake of the country, he should resign.

The motion read: “Woking Borough Council notes that the Prime Minister has misled Parliament and lied to the residents of our Borough.

This Council notes that while the Prime Minister attended Downing Street parties, residents of Woking Borough obeyed the lockdown rules, often at huge personal cost or sacrifice.

This Council notes the significant financial impact upon local businesses who have been closed due to the lockdown or tier regulations.

This Council calls upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister stating that the Council has no confidence in his leadership and calls for him to resign.

This Council also calls upon the Leader of the Council to write to Woking’s Member of Parliament requesting that they represent this Council’s view in Parliament and call for the Prime Minister to resign.”

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