Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Surrey Tories vote down Lib Dem motion to end child hunger

by willforster on 8 December, 2020

Earlier today, the Conservative majority on Surrey County Council used their own amendment to vote down a Lib Dem motion that would have tackled child food poverty.

If approved, the original proposal by my Lib Dem colleagues and I would have committed the Council to taking the small, albeit valuable steps of ensuring the availability of breakfast clubs at schools across Surrey – as well as to lobbying Central Government for changes to the welfare system.

Instead a lengthy amendment, which set out largely the strategic actions already being taken by the County Council, was supported by Tory Councillors, who currently enjoy a huge majority, although it was opposed by those from other political parties.

Although I am very pleased that we Lib Dems initiated a discussion on child poverty in Surrey, I am really disappointed the Council supported the Conservatives’ watered-down version of our motion, rather than our original meaningful motion.  Ending child hunger should be a priority, not something authorities take baby steps in tackling.

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