Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Archive for the ‘Finance’ Category

Only around 732 families in Surrey have been supported to better insulate their homes under the Government’s flagship Green Homes Grant scheme, new figures have revealed. The scheme was meant to help people upgrade their homes to net-zero standards and cut their energy bills through fitting better insulation or heat pumps, but was scrapped earlier […]

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There was a hugely significant vote in Parliament today in which Woking’s Tory MP voted to water down rules for dealing with MP sleaze and corruption. I think it is shameful that our local Conservative MP voted to water down rules aimed at preventing political sleaze.  Jonathan Lord’s constituents deserve better than this stitch up that […]

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Small and medium-sized businesses, from tech start-ups to hairdressers and cafes, in Woking will pay an extra £4 million a year due to the rise in national insurance, research commissioned by the Lib Dems has found. Boris Johnson broke his 2019 manifesto promise by raising employer National Insurance Contributions by 1.25%, impacting small businesses in […]

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My Lib Dem colleagues and I have called on the Government to double the Warm Home Discount for existing recipients and make it available to 168 pensioners across Woking.  The measure would prevent pensioners being forced to choose between eating and heating this winter. The call comes amid fears that local residents, particularly 1,222 pensioners on […]

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Lib Dems criticise poor choice of highway contractors

by willforster on 29 September, 2021

Yesterday, I questioned Surrey County Council’s process of selecting a new highways maintenance contractor which has resulted in the three final bids coming from companies all with a history of failing Surrey residents. The Council’s Cabinet met yesterday and agreed to award the contract to either Amey, Kier or Ringway. Initially the contract will be […]

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County Deal is a power grab

by willforster on 28 September, 2021

The Lib Dems and I have called Surrey County Council’s draft County Deal for Surrey bid a power grab. The County Council is currently putting together a bid for more powers from Central Government as part of a County Deal for Surrey.  However, there is growing concern that the County Deal bid is a simple power […]

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Parents of almost 150,000 children in Surrey would receive vouchers worth £200 a year to spend on catch-up classes and educational activities, under plans announced by the Lib Dems. The policy would empower parents to help their children catch up after months of school closures and disruption during the pandemic.  The vouchers could be spent on […]

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The Lib Dems have published figures showing that 16,872 of State Pensioners in Woking are set to be impacted by the Government breaking its manifesto promise and suspending the triple lock on pensions. The state pension triple lock is a rule that means the state pension must rise each year in line with the highest […]

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MP for Woking breaks promise over unfair tax hike

by willforster on 9 September, 2021

The local Lib Dems have slammed local Conservative MP Jonathan Lord’s choice to break their promise to the electorate and vote for a 1.25% rise in National Insurance. The changes, which go against the Tories’ manifesto promise not to raise taxes, will mean hard-pressed local families and small businesses will be left paying hundreds of […]

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Lib Dems criticise County Deal for Surrey bid

by willforster on 6 September, 2021

The Lib Dems and I have criticised the Conservative Leader of Surrey County Council for unilaterally writing to the Government asking for a County Deal for Surrey. In a letter dated 10th August, Councillor Tim Oliver who to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Secretary, Robert Jenrick, formally registering Surrey County Council’s interest in more […]

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