Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Woking Subway to temporarily close for improvements

by willforster on 10 January, 2022

Woking Borough Council, in partnership with Network Rail and South Western Railways, will soon be carrying out maintenance to the Woking Station underpass.

This follows a motion from the Lib Dems tabled by my colleague Councillor Liam Lyons last year, calling for the subway under Woking Station to be improved.

The underpass will be closed during the refurbishment from 24th January for around 8 weeks.  The alternative route will be via the High Street, Victoria Arch, Victoria Way and along Station Approach.

The Council had asked South Western Railways with a view to allowing a diversion through the train station, but they currently will not allow this due to concerns over safety and income impact.  However, they will allow those with mobility issues and buggies to request use of the level access route through the station.

So many local people use the pedestrian subway underneath Woking Station on a regularly basis, but it has become dilapidated and is in a poor state of repair and decor.  At times, it can be unpleasant and an eyesore for pedestrians transiting between south Woking and the town centre – so I am really pleased that this long overdue refurbishment is about to start.

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