Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Lib Dems call on Chancellor to give 9,817 carers in Woking a break

by willforster on 16 February, 2021

The Lib Dems are calling on the Government to “give carers a break”, by giving councils immediate emergency funding so they can provide the support services unpaid carers need to take a weekly break.

Almost 10,000 – 9,817 to be exact – people in Woking are looking after elderly, disabled or vulnerable people during the coronavirus pandemic.

In a letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, Ed Davey highlights research from Carers UK showing that nationally; 64% of carers have not been able to take any breaks from their caring role during the pandemic, 74% feel exhausted and worn out as a result of caring during Covid, and 44% say they are reaching breaking point.

The Lib Dems are calling on the Chancellor to provide local authorities with emergency funding in his Budget on 3rd March at the latest.

We think that our wonderful carers deserve more support, but they are too often forgotten and ignored by people in power. The Chancellor must not ignore carers any longer.  He must provide local councils with emergency funding now, to finally give carers a break. The Lib Dems are working to build a more caring society as we emerge from this pandemic.

People in Woking looking after their loved ones are doing a remarkable and important job in very difficult circumstances. Woking’s unpaid carers have taken on dramatically increased caring responsibilities during this pandemic.  Most have not been able to take a single break since the pandemic started – most are simply exhausted.

That is why the Lib Dems and I are standing up for carers and calling on the Government to give them a break.

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