Will Forster

Campaigning to be the Lib Dem MP for Woking, Deputy Leader of Woking Borough Council and Councillor in South Woking Learn more

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Lib Dems will freeze rail fare increases in Woking saving commuters hundreds of pounds

by willforster on 1 December, 2019

The Lib Dems have announced we will freeze rail fare increases for Woking commuters and season ticket holders for the next five years, while fixing the broken fares and ticketing system.

A Lib Dem Government would cancel the 2.8% RPI rail fare increase planned for December 2019 and freeze Woking commuter fares and season tickets for the entirety of the next five years.

These proposals would save season ticket holders from Woking to London Waterloo, almost £1,500 over the next five years.  This policy is expected to cost approximately £1.6 billion over five years.

The Lib Dems would also overhaul ticketing by simplifying the system, looking to create season tickets for part-time commuters and introducing early-bird fares.  The party would ensure that all rail franchises apply ‘delay repay compensation’ for delays of 15 minutes or more.

Under the Conservatives, Woking commuters have been catastrophically let down.  People are paying way over the odds for what has often been an appalling service.

The Lib Dems will build a brighter future by freezing fares from Woking to London Waterloo for the next five years, saving local commuters hundreds of pounds.  We will invest in fixing our creaking rail network to improve capacity and reduce overcrowding, so Woking commuters are no longer treated like cattle.

But this is about more than just providing more funding.  We will also strip rail companies of franchises if they don’t meet the standards expected of them, and develop new transport mutual companies to foster alternative competition.

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